Christiaens NV

Christiaens is a full service provider of ERP software, office software, cloud and infrastructure. Our skilled team of 50 colleagues implements Dynamics 365 Business Central, Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Azure at small and medium-sized organizations. Today, a huge range of IT solutions is available to companies to support and strengthen their business processes. Today's successful entrepreneur, however, wants to concentrate more than ever on the core activities of his organization. This is why he's calling in the help of a IT specialist to advise him in the selection, realization and support of IT solutions. "We make technology work" is not an empty slogan at Christiaens. Our challenge is not to sell IT infrastructure and business software, but to bring these components together into a working solution. This requires a great deal of expertise and Christiaens has got this in-house. Christiaens understands the problems of small and medium-sized organizations better than anyone. Since 1982, the company has assisted hundreds of companies in the selection, realization and support of IT solutions, based on three basic principles that customers greatly value. 1. Pragmatic approach Because every company is unique, Christiaens will develop a solution that is precisely tailored to the needs of your company. Always based on the same philosophy, Christiaens uses a pragmatic approach that, despite the often complicated underlying technology, not only makes business processes more efficient but also simpler. This way you can be sure of a solution that will grow with your business. 2. Full service Advice and consulting: a successful computerization always starts with a thorough analysis in which an examination of your business processes takes place. In addition, Christiaens will advise you in choosing the right IT infrastructure, business software and network equipment. Implementation: Christiaens realizes integrated solutions for business management, office management, e-business, cloud and network solutions that make a real contribution to the success of any company. Training: an IT investment only yields maximum returns if it has been thoroughly trained. That is why Christiaens pays a lot of attention to this, both at the customer or in her own training room. Support: you can contact Christiaens for fast and efficient support. Depending on the support formula you have chosen, you even get up to one hour of guaranteed response time, 7 days a week and 24 hours a day. 3. Strong partnerships with market leaders Christiaens also believes in working with strong partners whose products reflect the company's quality and continuity. For example, the company has strategic partnerships with Microsoft and HP, among others.


+32 51 78 83 83


Footstep gebruikt Document Capture
Document Capture
Footstep gebruikt Document Capture voor het inlezen van de facturen, wat automatisch gebeurt via een mailbox. Dat is zeer tijdwinnend, want grotendeels wordt de factuur al ingelezen en wordt alles al voorbereid om de boeking zelf te doen. Twee collega's hebben een opleiding gevolgd bij Christiaens zelf. Daar waren zij heel tevreden over, want het is een hele goede basis geweest. Maar je leert het pas wanneer je het effectief moet doen.
Thiry Paints gebruikt Document Capture
Document Capture
Een andere handige module is Document Capture, waarbij documenten gescand en gekoppeld worden aan het digitale document in Business Central. Eén van de zaken die ons tijd bespaart is het inscannen van de leverbonnen. Vroeger werden die leverbonnen geklasseerd in een map en mocht je beginnen zoeken. Nu worden op het einde van de dag alle getekende leverbonnen op de scanner gelegd, automatisch gescand en via Document Capture gekoppeld aan de digitale leverbon, wat enorm veel tijd bespaart.